Sunday, January 21, 2018

Joy Update 04

Work continues on my new character Joy. Today I added wrinkles and stitching to her shorts.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Joy Update 03

It's been a while, hasn't it?

I had to take a break from developing Joy to deal with, well, life. I hadn't forgot about her though-quite the contrary, in fact; I couldn't STOP thinking about her!

I've completed the low poly modeling of Joy and am now about 50% complete with sculpting in ZBrush. I've been studying muscular anatomy to make sure I'm keeping proportions accurate. So far, I'm pleased with my progress. When sculpting, I find that it can be easy to become a bit overzealous when adding form to a base mesh, which can result in an unwanted amount of extra mass that can destroy the silhouette and feel of the character.

Check out the photos below.